Takes a little getting used to but it's pretty good. Only for fans of the series though

User Rating: 7.8 | Elf Bowling 1 & 2 DS
Elf Bowling 1

Twas the night before Christmas,
And at the North Pole,
Santa's sleigh was packed tight,
The reindeer ready to go.

When out in the snow,
There arose such a clatter,
St. Nick sprang from the can,
To see what was the matter.

"The elves are on strike,"
Cried Mrs. Clause with disdain!
"What shall we do Santa?
C'mon, rack your fat brain."
Santa's face began to sparkle.
He shouted Merry Christmas to all.
He dashed to the coat closet.
And grabbed his 16-lb. ball!

Santa began to laugh so hard,
His stomach was rolling.
"C'mon, you old women,
It's time for Elf Bowling!"

Basically it's Santa punishing the elves for going on strike.
I give credit for the poem and the story is pretty good too.

Elf Bowling 2("Elves in Paradise")

The Great Santa's Elf strike brought the North Pole to it's knees. The belligerent survivors of Elf Bowling made heavy demands on old man Kringle - higher wages, lower urinals, less fish in the cafeteria, and a fabulous cruise to every little man's dream destination, Micronesia. Meanwhile, mother Kringle, a bit petulant aftert having just turned 271, had different ideas. She handed over Rudolph's reigns to Santa's unemployed older brother - and still her favorite - Dingle Kringle, despite his erratic behavior and his failure as a used ice salesman. But being a lonely gaming man, Dingle challenged Kris to double or nothing.

Both are good stories but somehow a little odd but still good


Elf Bowling 1

Basically the same as the PC version. There can be some problems but they are still solid. One thing that really bothered me is that sometimes the ball goes right through one of the elves but that rarely happens. Graphics are still solid though

Elf Bowling 2

My god. what happened to this. Something is terribly wrong with this when the elves are sliding down the board. It's hard to tell where the other elves are because they grow as your elf slides down the thing. You also can't tell when the elves fall off until they are in the sharks mouth.
ANother thing is when the camera is going down the thing and the elves are holding up signs, the board moves but the gutters on the side just stay there.
1 last problem is that the elves kinda go through eachother and sit on top of eachother.
These graphics take a little getting used to.

Elf Bowling 1

Nothing too shabby. Basically all you do is watch the arrow move and press the A button when you want it to stop. A fun thing is that frogs and bunnies hop onto the lane and you can bowl em over.
Another thing is that instead of using the A button, yoiu can also touch the screen when you want the arrow to stop.

Elf Bowling 2

What happened here. What's up with this multiplayer. You can play 2 players but there is no download play. You'll just have to share the DS and take turns. Just like in the PC version

You basically just launch the elves down the ship and try to avoid falling off and knock your opponents elves off. It's a pretty fun concept and is really fun.


Game selection screen

While your deciding which elf bowling to play, enjoy some "Elf Elf Baby" and some occasional farts.

Elf Bowling 1

While you bowl your ball, listen as the elves scream. There is also some very funny stuff the elves say. Like 1 elf farts and another say "Hey somebody farted" then they all laugh. Or like when they slap their butts with some realistic slap sounds in it. Some othe funny one's are "Gutterball" and "Is that all the balls you got Santa?"

Elf Bowling 2

When the elves come up from the ground you hear some music. The elves also do some funny stuff. One elf sings "Who let the elves out? Boo-ya Boo-ya". Some more funny stuff is "Buy Buy, Sell Sell, Buy Buy. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha", "Hey lookin crappy", "Are you lookin at my butt", "Woo-hoo, woo-hoo. Three-hundered"

While all that is well and funny, there is a problem. When the camera is rolling and checking the elves scores, you hear some music but the music stops and when they hold up the signs, the pingin sounds are strange. Its sound alot better in the P.C version.

Bottom Line: This game is fun and easy to pick up and play every once in a while but Elf Bowling 2 is really lacking in quality. It also would've been better if Elf Bowling 3 was in there.