One of the most simple looking games, yet Echochrome is very much one of the most challenging puzzlers.

User Rating: 8 | echochrome PS3
Echochrome is available only on the PlayStation Network. It is by far the most simple looking puzzle games ever created, but looks are not all what they are cracked up to be in this game. If anyone out there has ever asked "What if M. C. Escher created a video game?" well you now have your answer.

Echochrome is a 3D puzzler that looks very much 2D. This can be very tricky for people when playing. The controls of this game are very basic, you control the map and not the character, or in this case the your mannequin. The main goal is to change the environment around and manipulate it to get your mannequin through to collect four echoes paced through out the map. You do so by using the environment to change. So if there is a gap in the walk way, you move the map around so the gap is blocked by a post someplace on the environment, if there is a hole in the pathway then the mannequin will fall through it and onto whatever you have set under it and so on. This is where the sight of 2D makes this a challeng being you have to see it as 3D in your head. Basically what the player sees is what really is. Echocrome is very good at using optical illusions and reality together to make this game such a challenge. While playing your mannequin never stops walking. Unless you hit the triangle button to have him stop and think for as long as you would like, or need to get the map moved to how you want it. Though he will stay stopped for however long you'd like, the game clock keeps ticking away. This is the biggest problem with Echochrome, moving the environment is sluggish and most times slow to get the environment to where you want it before the mannequin gets to that spot. However, to compensate for this, pressing the square button quickly aligns adjacent paths so that pin point perfect accuracy is not always needed to succeed.

Echochrome has an amazing unique look that most people will not find that great if they are all about graphics. It does not come close to most games made sense the 8 bit days. The black and white look is perfect for a game that relies on your perception of distance. Also the games music is beautiful and relaxing, if you have a fan of classical music that is. I am sure most people will just ignore it, but I loved listening to it. Also there is no real sound effects to Echochrome, mainly just the footsteps of the mannequin walking. Also the female voice at the start of each puzzle telling you to start.

Echochrome comes equipped with 56 levels, but there is a level creator that takes the game well past the longevity that it offers at once. In the Canvas mode you have the same tools used by the developers that made this game and can do just about anything you'd like in making your own maps. Which if you have a lot of time and make for some great stuff. It is fortunate that you can take this levels online and let others try to complete them. This makes for even more fun with this game, that you are sure to get your moneys worth. Unfortunately this is only available on the PS3 version and not the PSP's.

Echochrome is a great game when you are bored, want a simple puzzle challenge to rack your brain or just have a few minutes to kill. When it comes down to it Echochrome is a simple thinker puzzle game that is a lot of fun and very enjoyable.