Echochrome is a unique puzzler that wants so badly to be innovative that it rarely stops to see if its still a good game

User Rating: 6 | echochrome PSP
Echochrome has the most distinctive look of any portable platform puzzler you will probably ever play and that look fits the game play well. However, the gameplay is built on three-five rules (I can't remember how many.) These rules define what your character can walk on and how he/she will traverse the levels. Once you understand these rules, the game is almost too easy. The time limit given on most levels is around 5 minutes. Not many of the 56 puzzles in the game will take 5+ minutes to figure out. The answers to most of the puzzles almost scream at you making most of the levels beatable in a minute and change. Once you finish the 56 levels that are included you have the option to build your own. This becomes a headache quickly and will probably disappoint you. It's a bummer that the PSP version can't grab player made levels from PSN...that would have really added literally an infinite amount of gameplay. As it stands Echochrome will probably not get touched for a long time (unless I decide to pick up the PS3 version.)

At $10.00 Echochrome is a deal but, its a very short game that can be completed very quickly. Once I found out the the UMD version available in other countries had 315 puzzles I felt kinda ripped off. I would have forked out the extra green to play the UMD game. Instead there are two different versions of the game one for PSP and one for PS3. While the PS3 version has a few more online options, they are essentially the same game with a different puzzle sets. A game of this nature is best played on the go and the PS3 version almost seems pointless (at least for me). The most power gaming console in the world rendering what is essentially a stick figure (blasphemy).

Overall, I liked Echochrome, but it took very little brain power to complete and the "freeform" game play was confusing. With a cumbersome level editor and relatively tiny puzzle set Echochrome is hard to recommend to anyone picky about the games they buy. However if you are looking for something truly unique and bizarre check out Echochrome.