This is one realy fun old game!

User Rating: 9.3 | Ecco the Dolphin 2 GG
About nine years ago I started playing video games. The first system I ever played was Sonic The Hedge Hog 2 for the Sega Game Gear. It was a great game but was kinda hard! Then one day I went to MicVans Video store and I saw this game. I tested it out and I knew right from the start that this would be a great game. It turns out I was right and I still play this game! Although it is kinda easy it is the second game I ever played and is still one of the best! Sega did a pure awesome job on this game just like they do with most of there games, this is a great game and Sega should realy think of continuing making these games or should bring 'em back out and put 'em on the Xbox! All I know is that this is a very very good game and will always be one of my very favorite video games!