Not worth even thinking about when it comes to shooting games....very lack lustered.

User Rating: 6 | Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard X360
I should of known that there was something about this game when i didn't see actual game play on the back of the cover, but yet i bought it because i cant get enough of shooting games. As i played the first couple of stages with its cheesy game play i already started seeing repetitiveness in the AI. Along with that the computers are really stupid and the only way they can kill you basically is if they sneak up behind you. The guns in the game are pretty cool with a good selection of them. Repetitive lines throughout the game can get real annoying to you and it just seems like max hazzard was made out to be stupid and annoying too. The stages start to all basically beome alike and extrememly boring. I played and beat the game in three days whit out even giving it my full attention. After the first 3 stages i realized this game was a waste and i kept playing to see if it gets better and it sadly doesnt but instead just throws the same thing at you time after time. Sure you get new enemies but there still all stupid. Max Hazzards special power where you can turn people into ice or light them on fire is really just a waste because you really don't need it. A good shooter has you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for whats next and getting you into the game and even though this game advertised to have humor in it, it still didnt make up for a bad shooter. I guess i should of realized this game was that bad when it comes new for $50 instead of $60.