A fun but short lived way of seeing your own head on a sumo's body.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tsuppari Oozumou Wii Heya WII
I must confess, I'm a sucker for niche titles; any game or film that it touted as being a bit left field or weird and I'm there! Most of the time it yields an overall deflating experience, fortunately Eat! Fat! Fight! does provide some meat (eating pun, first of many) to the bare bones of this fighting game but you won't be flattened by the sheer weight of it all (see, told you!)

Essentially you begin by making a sumo, you choose name, gender and do some basic customisation such as skin tone, colour of pants and face (you can sub in your own Mii's face, once you've unlocked this option) and then you're off around Japan competing in very fast paced tournaments.

The fights themselves start off as button mashing bouts as you progress through the sumo ranks, but for some of the harder and beefier opponents you'll need to really think about. Once the fighting's out of the way you'll be given your place in the tournament and then get to choose between four training mini games in which to improve different stats. There's a balance game, rhythm game and a mini survival game for three of the stats, all of which are a bit dull, but where you'll be wanting to spend the most of your time is with the eating mini game.

The reason behind this is three-fold: firstly, it's the most visually appealing mini-game of the three - watching exponentially larger plates of food dropping down in front of your sumo is novel. Secondly it's the funnest mini-game as it plays a bit like a mix between Hexic and Tetris. And finally it's because this is the only mini game that increases your weight stat, which in turn is the only stat that causes visual changes to your sumo (which is pretty much the only reason I bought this game!).

As a whole, Eat! Fat! Fight! is an enjoyable little distraction which can be deeper than first appearances reveal as long as you're willing to put the time into it. Unfortunately though you're more likely to put your valued free time into another game, or even wish you spent those rather expensive Wii points elsewhere.

A decent appetiser!