Earthbound is one the most funny, unique and stylish RPG's you will ever play.

User Rating: 9 | Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu SNES
When this game came out it was a shocking change from most traditional RPG's. Most RPG's involve swords and dragons but this game involves baseball bats and yo yo's. The story is simple you learn of a prophecy that you must defeat an alien bent on taking over the world. Simple but sweet.

Earthbound strongest point is it's humour it's constantly poking fun in your face whether it be the characters saying funny pop culture references or the game making fun of common RPG cliches. The game just screams hilarious whereever you turn.

Now the game is unique enough but the battle system is rather conventional except with baseball bats instead of swords. You click an option like Bash or Items. You can also use a psychic power called PSI. Learning enemies weakness to certain PSI is crucial for success. It's definitely not the hardest RPG ever you can have the game cracked and beaten in a dedicated week.

But the game has so much replay value in the form of challenges. Trying to get all the super rare items in the game will set you back and extra 30-40 hours or so. Saving up cash to buy an expensive item well before you're supposed to be able to afford it? 15-20 hours right there.

But the game does have it's shortcomings that are rather common in RPG territory. One is that some enemies can be a real pain to beat because by the time you meet them they'll rip you in half until you go up by about 6 levels or so. Another flaw is that the game is rather slow going. Lucky for me I used an emulator with a speed up button but without them I would have gone insane.

But despite all of it's flaws at least try this game because you'll never play anything like it. It's an imaginative RPG that well deserving of your time.