Not your everyday RPG!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu SNES
Most role-playing games have this thing where your characters need to be seen during battle in order to get the full experience. Not this one! In this game, all you can see during the battle are your enemies, your stats, and a colorful wavy background--it's still a fun experience, nonetheless.
Not only are the battles unique (I guess...) but so is the storyline: throughout your adventure, you've gotta rescue a friend from "happy" people, duke it out with street signs (you heard me!), and replenish your energy with snacks from your corner fast food restaurant.(anyone up for a Big Mac?)
Due to this games unique story and gameplay, I give it the high score it so deserves.
Anyone can pull off a great game, but only a handful become memorable experiences, and that's exactly what Earthbound is! it just me, or do these characters remind you of the Peanuts Gang?