A budget game but it sure is a helluva lotta fun. Online is smooth with no lag and makes this game well worth a buy

User Rating: 8.5 | Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon X360
This game is fun. It doesn't wow you with spectacular graphics, an amazing story or a groundbreaking new take on the genre; it's just a lotta fun at a good value. The game sticks you and up to 2 other friends in huge frantic battles fighting huge enemies as well as flying gunships and fighters. Its third person shooter combat is easy to pickup and play. Split-screen is available. There are four very unique classes that each take a while to level up. The campaign isnt too long, but its higher difficulties are impossible to complete without having a high level armor class, adding value to the game. The six person online survival mode can make for some pretty epic battles and frantic combat. Despite being a budget game, the online flows smoothly; i have experienced no lag and the matchmaking was flawless.
This game is pure fun and definitely worth a buy at only 40 dollars.