So bad it may be good?

User Rating: 3 | Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair PC

Let me start off by saying that this is a fun game. I am not going to deny that. But is it $50 worth of fun? HELL no. Not even close. I am not going to go along with the rank and file fan boys that are giving this game rave reviews.

As a Gaming Critic I have to ask and answer the same question every time I Review a game: "Is this good for the consumer?" And unfortunately the answer here is a resounding no.

The game is marred by it's being a shoddy port. Dated graphics, framerate drops, horrendous PhysX, glitches, multiplayer crashes, and reports of the game outright not working on AMD processors all bring down the game in a big way.

Here is an excerpt from my Review:

"this game’s title is about as long-winded as the gameplay itself. Now, before we get into things it’s worth noting that somehow these Earth Defense Force games seem to have a fairly large following of which I am not a member of. I have never played any of the previous titles nor do I expect to so please take that into consideration. I am no fan boy and I don’t expect to become an EDF Disciple. What I CAN do, though, is tell you about the game itself. It sucks. There’s no way around it. Looking at the mechanics of the game it fails on nearly every level, however like one of those B Movies that are pure horrendousness with campy lines, cheesy plot, and shallow characters. The graphics are dated, the port is riddled with flaws including poor optimization, framerate drops, horrendous keyboard/mouse support, lame samey horde mode levels, WAY too much screaming, broken multiplayer, and if you have an AMD Processor then forget about it. You will most likely not even be able to play it.

So, you’d think that would be the end of it. But no, it has some good things going for it too. And strangely enough, a lot of them are the same ones I’ve already listed. Pure horrendousness with campy lines, cheesy plot, shallow characters, and samey horde mode gameplay. This game has some odd mixture of badness that has actually somehow created an enjoyable game."

See the full video here: