FUN. Very fun. Like original NES back-in-the-day fun.

User Rating: 9 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
I kept checking out the user reviews on this game for several months but I never got around to picking it up.

Well, I finally did.

What a FUN game.

This is a sleeper hit in my opinion. I only wish I had purchased it sooner. And you cannot beat the price (used at Gamestop $17.99).

It doesn't have the greatest graphics.

It doesn't have the greatest story.

What it does have is super-satisfying game-play.

You just kill stuff. Kill giant ants. Kill giant robots. Kill giant spiders. Kill giant dinosaurs. Kill giant mech dinosaurs. Kill giant UFO's.

You kill using a variety of simple yet effective weapons: assault rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, missile launchers, flame throwers, grenades, mines and remote sentry guns.

Did I mention this game is fun?!

There are 53 missions and 5 difficulty levels. Stronger and more powerful weapons drop during missions as you advance. As you increase the difficulty you also can earn more powerful weapons. It's all quite addicting.

The only is the stupidity of your fellow AI controlled EDF soldiers. They sometimes wander right into your sights as you let fly a rocket and BOOOOOM we all die due to splash/proximity damage. But other than that one small, minuscule issue this game is the best!

I truly hope that an Earth Defense Force 2 is in the works.