A fun dumb game to play Single or Multi player! Shoot everything you want! Doesn't matter! Good cheesy plot as well! ;)

User Rating: 9 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
If you enjoy playing 3rd person/1st person shooters and think giant alien ants and spiders are awesome, then this is YOUR game! Fight everything from giant ants, to giant jumping spiders, to flying robot things to gargantua Godzilla-like creatures to huge robots of destruction and little Japanese people running around in American voices in Japan using everything from machine guns to grenades to destroy everything including the huge skyscrapers next to you then mount up for EDF! Say it with me! EDF! EDF! EDF! OMG! GIANT ALIENS! :P What makes the game the most likable perhaps IS the cheesiness of the game. The game is extremely unrealistic but then again, its a game! :) There is NO online play however. But this IS the game to take to parties and have fun! You can beat the game fairly easily on *Shock* easy but with about 5-6 difficulties, there is much to unlock! Don't expect to have a boring game!