Don't judge a game by its cover.

User Rating: 8 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
When I first bought EDF 2017 I honestly wasn't expecting that great of a game. When I picked up the controller I was addicted! I myself think the game is fun because it doesn't focus on a great story, amazing graphics, or hi-tech cut scenes, instead it focuses on what makes a game a game, the fun. The game has a variety of different weapons and a variety of different weapons that make the game even more fun. Thats not the main thing however. What really makes this game fun is the extremely fast paced action. You'll be shooting down giant bugs left and right barely getting a chance to set down the controller. Overall this is a great game if you are just looking for some fun. If you are looking for a super hi-tech game, this game is not for you.