This game looks like it wouldn't be very good.............But this game is pretty sweet!

User Rating: 8.7 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
This game may look like a cheapy but it is awsome!There are awsome weapons to chose from(like a rocket launcher that shoots 10 rockets with one pull of the trigger).The enemies in this game are pretty cool if you enjoy killing giant ants and spiders.The ants arn't very bad but the spiders are a damn hassle.They can shoot their web at you and inflict serious damage at the higher difficulty levels.There are also giant robots that can pretty much kill you at any difficulty level.

The story of the game is kind of lame but that isnt why this game is awsome........It is all the action involved.There is never a moment in this game to where you are just sitting there doing nothing.You are either killing hordes of eemies or you are running around collecting weapons and armor.

This game is pretty good overall so if you like games with a LOT of action then buy this game.