Dumb fun, but fun. Graphics aren't exceptional, but a fun little shoot-em-up that keeps you coming back.

User Rating: 7 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
I had this as a rental, and ended up keeping it about as long as I've kept any non-role-playing game. I ended up playing through every map I was able to successfully complete without too much replay, which was about 70% of the game, and I may even get it again to finish it up.

The game is a basic shoot-em-up where it is man vs. invading alien insects. Kind of like Starship Troopers except it is all on Earth, and the bugs are standard earth bugs, although giant versions. Mostly ants and spiders, with some backup tech gadgets.

You go through the game, kill things, try not to get swarmed, and pick up upgraded weaponry your kills drop. Pretty simple. As you up the difficulty, there are a LOT more bugs, and they drop better weaponry. Not a lot of thought was given to plot - and I thank them. Turn it on, kill bugs. Missions are relatively short, supporting the non-investment type game that it is.

The biggest problem with this game is that the graphics are sub-standard. Increasing the difficulty seems to be a constant "add this % more bugs and make them this % harder to kill doing this % more damage". It would have been better if thought was given on a per-map basis how to scale properly.