A refreshing surprise. Great game with addictive game play.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gundam Musou International X360
Game play ( if playing with split screen) - 9
Graphics - 9
Sound - 8 ( awesome battle sound and play lacking in voice acting)
Overall - 8.5
This game I was not expecting much from and it really surprised me by just how great a job they did with this game. The game is cleanly done with great environments. The game play is smooth and easy to pick up but some of the missions will send the hordes of bad guys you would expect in a true all out war game from a Gundam and Dynasty Warrior combination. Overall a great game to play with a friend split screen. This game really shines there the only con to this game was the story voice acting which was not much but that is to be partially expected of this type of game and if you hit start button you can skip them even the text based overviews at the beginnings of the missions to just get to the start of the actual missions. Overall a great job with the huge selection of characters to play with and different play styles between them as to what area they are best at. A great game to sit and play for hours with a friend.