Dynasty Warriors 7 proves to be a better installment over its predecessor, yet it still lack substances in gameplay

User Rating: 7.5 | Dynasty Warriors 7 X360
Another installment of the aging franchise, while at first the game were predicted by many as similar to the previous predecessor, however, there are various hours to be spent on this game to fully complete it. The gameplay is similar to the last game, which mostly consist of pushing multiple X button and end the combo with the Y buttons.

- Improved storytelling with the addition of story mode for each of the 4 kingdoms
- There is a lot of battles to fight in conquest mode, which could take up to 30-40 hours
- Nice encyclopedia feature that makes it easier to understand the story of the 3 kingdoms
- Various things to be unlocked in the gallery
- Companion animals that fight alongside you
- Option to have swollen allies and hired officer fight alongside you
- The quizzes that the scholar gives in conquest mode makes it interesting to learn about 3 kingdom history
- 62 different characters to play through with, each with different personality and characteristics
- Switching weapons make going through battle with certain characters much easier
- Tutorial mode is a great addition

- The textures of each stage look bland
- Environment and character graphics are slightly outdated
- Some characters have the same move sets, only 36 move sets out of 62 characters
- Some battles in conquest mode feel the same
- Siege system is implemented poorly
- No 3 or 4 ways battles
- The action could get tedious after several hours in conquest mode and battles begin to feel like a chore
- Not every character has a role in story mode
- The AI is still too incompetent
- Minor glitches and bugs
- The mini map is sometimes useless since you cannot tell where you are at some of the time
- Some night stages are too dark, making path finding a little difficult

Overall, with the exception of weapon switching and two musou attacks, not much had changed in the gameplay department, but the story and conquest mode are what made Dynasty Warriors 7 a better title compared to Dynasty Warriors 6.