graphics suck i feel like i should be 18 living in the 80s when im actually 15.

User Rating: 1.5 | Dwarf Fortress PC
so ive played all the good games like mw2, blops, crysis, halo etc... and ive found that this game (dwarf fortress) is probably the worst game ever.

people tell me its indepth... INDEPTH? it doesnt even have 3d, its like 3rd person non-3d.

secondly, the menu? wtf, i can't use my mouse? i feel like im playing an RTS on my xbox, the menu sucks

thirdly... the graphics just suck, i mean even minecraft has better graphics. the developers were trying to hard to be hipster by making everything annoying as hell to control its like theyre trying to troll people away and leave this game to the few people who are living in caves who have time to get used to crappy graphics.

and the worst part is i couldnt even close the GAME. i had to use my keys to hit the exit button, ,i couldnt close it with my mouse... its seriously fail controls.


go pick up Blops or wait for Gears 3