Great game for people looking for a change in the MMO genre. Don't even try to compare this to WoW, it's impossible.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach PC
Anyone looking for a new, fresh game is in luck, because Dungeons and Dragons Online is just that game. It is so different from any other MMO game I've played, and I'm still trying to think of something to compare it to. I'm gonna split this review into parts. We'll start with questing.

Questing: First off, if you like soloing, just leave now, because after maybe 30 minutes, you're not going to be able to do so. Now that we've got that out of the way, I hope you're ready for some fun, because you're going to find it here. hundreds and hundreds of quests you encounter are so amazing, so creepy, so well designed, I replay them all the time. They just don't seem to get old. I do wish that they made the traps randomize, and maybe on harder difficulties have more men coming at you, not just better ones.

Graphics: To people who have said this game has bad graphics, don't believe a word they've said. The graphics in this game are amazing, down to the smallest engravings in walls, to the creepy lighting down in the kobold dungeons. And don't even get me started on the underwater graphics. These might be the best graphics I've ever seen in and MMO, truly.

Finding a group: Finding a group is unbelievably easy. They have a tab called "Party", oddly enough, that you click lfg on and say what you want to do, or just ask to join someone's group. Within 5 minutes, you'll be in a group. It's that easy.

Community: I have never met a nicer group of people in an MMO. No gold-farmers or jerks. Never have I once in this game talk "l33t", or moan and swear about some unfair thing. Maybe this is because in the chests, everyone gets the same amount of loot. 3 or 4 things each, and usually, they help your class. Class: Speaking of which, they're are 8: The fighter, paladin, barbarian, wizard, sorcerer, ranger, cleric, and bard, all of which are extremely fun in their own different ways. Leveling: Did I mention only 10 levels? Don't be worried, each level is split up into ranks, and to get from level 1 to level 2, it will take you around 18 hours of playing time, and that's if you're lucky. They're are some who have hit 10, but I put them on my friends list, and have never seen them get off. So 2 weeks of playing time, times 8 classes, thats a pretty good amount of just leveling, not to mention the amount of role playing and updates their are. Check to see their latest update, coming in April.

Problems with the Game: One problem I have with the game is the sound. At some points, such as in scary, dank dungeons, it's pretty good, but overall, the sound is just ordinary. This is no Call of Duty 2 sound here, folks. Another problem I've got is how you can only regenerate mana and health in inns. Sure, I love the fact you can't regenerate them while inside an instance, or dungeon, (some of you will absolutely hate it: remember, this is no WoW) I wish while roaming the city you might regenerate, but I can see why not, and there are inns everywhere, so it's only a minor beef. Also, crafting would have been a welcome addition. Maybe in an update. :)

Anyways, I recommend any fan of the MMO genre, or any rpg fan, for that matter, pick this game up if they're interested in a whole new way to play an MMO. Even if you only enjoy this game for the free month, I still think it's worth that, because you can't say that for a lot of games out there.