The best buggy game out there.

User Rating: 1 | Dungeons & Dragons Online PC

What can I say about Dungeons and Dragons Online (ddo). I played for a few years on and off. What intrigued me about the game was the story arcs. Honestly, the game wasn't very new user friendly. It's a complicated game, and kinda leaves levels 15-20 out in the cold. Everything is for very low levels, or end game power-creeps. The whole system is geared toward rebirth of characters, which can cost a TON of money. Sure there's ways to do it in game... but if you want to keep up with the speed runner power creeps, you gotta drop some cash on it. The game itself, is riddled with lag, bugs, and devs that seem to not care about the player base. And heaven help you if you have an issue that involves customer support, you will NOT be heard. The developers keep hashing out new expansions on an already broken system that they either can not fix, or will not fix. Thus, leads to more issues mechanically of the game. The speed runners are a toxic mess, leaving players trying to learn behind. Don't let people tell you that you can do it all alone. That is a LIE. You level to 30, reborn, start at level 1 or level 15 if you have an iconic.... and rinse and repeat. Some players have been sinking money into a sinking ship for years doing the reborn shuffle. So, I gave the game a good decent try... re-borned a couple characters a few times. The community has become very toxic to say the least. Especially some of the 150+reborned powercreeps. The game is not solo friendly and the groups are a joke.( IF you can actually find groups). The whole company is lacking. Bad business all the way around. If your a glutton for punishment, give the game a try. If you want to avoid stress and such, avoid this game like the plague. I wish I had.