
User Rating: 6.5 | Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna PC

Dungeon Siege: Legends Of Aranna is the expansion to the original dungeon siege. However it is not like the original dungeon siege and is far less enjoyable than the first.

Gameplay: Just like the original dungeon siege, in fact not really that different at all. There is a new pack animal that you can have like the pack mule in the first game, new races, new spells, new levels, new characters, new items, and a new story. But the gameplay has not changed a bit. This game's story is also not as good as the original. It happens after the first game with the Seck defeated, but now there is a bigger, stronger enemy trying to take over the world even more powerful than Gom. It all has just been done before.

Graphics: Again, same as before. But after a while the levels just feel over used and don’t look appealing anymore. There is a new feature where you can see a map of the entire world of DS: LOA. It serves to remind you, how freaking huge the world is that you have to pass through before you finish the game.

Sound: Some of same tracks from before are here and a variety of new ones. But the music is so similar to the first that a lot of people would hardly notice.

In the end DS: LOA try's to expand on Dungeon Siege by adding more to the first but fails to make it as fun as it was originally.