Worth the buy but can disapoint many.

User Rating: 7 | Dungeon Siege PC
The game features a great story with stunning graphics (for its time), and an honorable game set-up; featuring an 8 character party that you may control. Though i found the lack of classes disappointing, the leveling system was superb enough to keep me playing. Pack mules were a nice add to store spare cargo.

The single player mode was truly the highlight of this game. Players could spend a good 20 hours from start to finish, and many more on side-quests, and other difficulties. The battling was a bit of a let down, as you could only have access to melee, a bow, and 2 magic skills at once. It was a hassle to cycle through these skills, and it didn't feel smooth as I switched from one skill to the next. I usually kept to simplistic battling; only using a handful of my skills, so i wouldn't get stressed out in cycling. The 8 group party was great though. Players can easily scan through their party and select certain skills and spells to cast from multiple party members. The party arrangements were easy to manage and made fighting with your party rewarding.

My major gripe was the multiplayer. I did not feel that I was getting everything I could from it. With only one character to use, I could no longer skim through my party to cast multiple spells, instead I had to rely on my one character to use everything; from healing to damage to melee to ranged. And as we all know, that just seemed more like a hassle than fun.

Overall this game is worth the buy for any RPG fan, but don't expect much from the multiplayer. Players will receive a bunch of playing time in the single-player, so the game isn't worthless in the end.