Nice, nothing unique though.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dungeon Siege PC
Great for its time. If you remember back to when this game came out, we were used to buggy group rpg games like Baldurs Gate and a plethora of others I cannot recall at the moment. This one was intuitive, user friendly and fairly bug free. It was nothing original to the world of gaming, but it raised the bar. I wonder if my graphics card can handle this now....

Video Game Porn As graphics get better, who cannot help but notice that the female lead in most of our video games has a great ass. It all startred with Lara Croft, who was so pixelated, that mentioning it was a little embarassing. Now, especially with HD, gamers of all ages can apprecitate the gratuitous tang that comes with our video games nowadays. So I propose that the next evolution of video games will be Video Game Porn, or VGP as I will be the first to coin this phrase. I cannot wait for the corny plots and bad music....oh wait video games already have that.

Don't fear the reaper..