Underrated very underrated.It's a worthy expansion to a great predecesor.

User Rating: 9.8 | Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna PC
Ok....Another of my favorite hack and slash is back in a expansion let's see how it fairs

Pluses: inclusion of Sets is a very good ideea;the same old graphics are getting a little lame but not very;Multiplayer;great sounds as allways;incredible replay ability (i played it 3 times and finished it);Many new items spells and all that;cool side quests

Minuses: somewhat lacking story;graphics are getting a little lame;the world is a little small

Well maybe i am overrating it but i love the game.All of those new items are very cool and the special abilities of the sets are cool.Anyway this game is a must cause not only cause it contains Legends of Arrana it also contains the original Dungeon Siege so it's great