The game lacks some key gaming elements, but is a fun game nonetheless.

User Rating: 7.8 | Dungeon Siege PC
Dungeon Siege is the first game of the self-titled series, and it’s definitely the best. You take the control of a hero and travel him/her through the mystical land of Ehb.
The plotline is good with some minor twists hear and there, but nothing great to capture any gamer. Graphically, the game seemed decent, but could have improved in character expressions and its development. Some of the monsters and heroes look very odd in the game. The sound on the other hand was better, and personally, the best aspect of Dungeon Siege. Try to avoid this game if you’re not into RPG and long quests. The game could have had better characters and some more gameplay elements in it, rather than just exploring dungeons. The game tends to get a bit repetitive half way through the game, and may lead to gamers just quitting the game due to lack of substance in the game.
All in all, Dungeon Siege is just about an average game which could have easily excelled if it had more content.