User Rating: 8.6 | Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna PC
As some other reviewers have stated, this game is very much like Dungeon Siege, except with some additional gameplay features that only work to flesh out the experience. The backpack is a very useful feature, that would be better if you could sell to a vendor from it instead of having to empty it first - but as far as carrying more goods it is indispensable. The Traag is a nice feature, not exactly a tank by any means, but nor is it supposed to be. The Item sets that are to be collected are very potent and all have back stories that are well developed. They are pretty difficult to find for the casual dungeon crawler also. On my first run through the game I only managed to find one complete set out of four that I had attempted to. Transportation is aided by mechanical/magical clockwork technology/wizardry that only helps the player get to and from necessary points and points of interest more easily. The over-arcing story of the Utreaens and their island's history is told throughout the game and is well done, though not as well as in the original Dungeon Siege. All in all, this is an entertaining game that has the same low learning curve as its predecessor, the same basic gameplay with some nice tweaks and the same enjoyable, low maintenance gaming experience. And, packaged with the original, it is an exceptional value.