A great game to start gaming with:

User Rating: 9.4 | Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna PC
The second game that I started playing as a gamer. Now I can clearly see why many people are addicted to this game. My guy got me into this game as a way to keep me from being bored out of my mind. Well it worked. Now we have something that we are mutually in agreement over. This game is great. Also, very good for those just beginning in the gaming world. I am a much older person myself and am amazed at myself and my interest in this game. The character builder is very easy to use and very easy to create your characters. My suggestion to you is once you have reached mid part of the first level of success is that you find "Chicken World" or "Chicken Warrens" so that you can master your skills at Melee, Range, Nature Skills, and/or Combat Skills. Now if you are into doing magic then I suggest you use more than one "Spell Book" and get the higher end ones when available or if you have the funds for the item of purchase. Then get involved within the community there. There are a lot of people that will help you out along the way and are there to assist you with your gaming experience. Watch out for "MODS". Some are rather nice and great to have on hand but there are others that will mess up your gaming experience. Take it from me, I just experienced that. So, with that in mind, let me know what you think.