Depends how you look at it! but still prettey short

User Rating: 6.4 | Dungeon Siege II: Broken World PC
Total let down id you compare it to dungeon siege 1. I was seriously hoping this would bring dungeon 2 back up to ds 1 standard, i love ds 2 new leveling system over dungeon siege one but it really does lack content and pvp. Pity they never revamped dungeon siege 1's world for dungeon siege 2 muliplayer by simply upgrading the models and textures but anyway broken world is just a little bit more dungeon crawling and unless you have a good few friends to play it through with or really want to be a dwarf its probably not worth getting...

Not to keen on the new classes myself and havn't added enough content.

Graphics: same standard as ds 1 so ok

Gameplay: virtually the same as ds 2 which is disapointing since theres litte else in the expansion