What do you get when you mix 1 part Diablo, 2 parts Dungeon Siege, and 1 part WoW? This masterpiece of freeware!

User Rating: 7.8 | Dungeon Runners PC
Every wondered what Dungeon Siege would have been like if it were online? Look no further than Dungeon Runners. This game is almost exactly like Dungeon Siege, with a little bit of Diablo and WoW added in for good measure. It is extremely easy to get into, and is surprisingly addictive, as its predecessors were. To top it off, THE GAME IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND PLAY FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT! For $4.99 a month, you get access to some quest rewards and loot you otherwise wouldn't, but other than that, there is very little you will miss out on by not paying a cent.

Also, note that it is created by NC Soft, the people that made Guild Wars, Lineage, and City of Heroes/Villains.

If you liked Dungeon Siege, or feel that a stripped down, hack n' slash action focused WoW is up your alley, then check this out. For free, there is no reason NOT to. At a ZERO dollar entry, it's better than any other value $30 titled game I've played. I even enjoy this game FAR more than the pay-to-buy Guild Wars.

You can't beat the price...