First thing I have to say: man, it's totally free!!!!!!!!!! You can play the game without having to spend a cent!

User Rating: 10 | Dungeon Runners PC
This game is an exception in it's genre. It's one of the few mmorpg that are free. For that alone, it shculd already receive a 10. You can download it free on the site and jump in right away. When you start, you can choose between 3 classes. These classes in fact don't matter, because you can learn all skills of every class in the game. This is very good, because you can in fact create your own class. And each litlle difference is described by another class name. You can for example be a lowly fanatical musculed fighter. The graphics resemble to those of world of warcraft. There is an automated party system, which makes it very easy to find friends to party with. This game is as fast-paced as diablo was at it's time. And above all, it's funny!! You only have to look at the names of items and you will know what I mean. If you really like this game you can also subscribe for only 5 dollar a month, which is very low. This is optional, and it is not needed to enjoy the game.