If you are a fan of Diablo 1-2 , then you must play this game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Dungeon Runners PC
I had seen the in game shot on a gamespot discussion thread, after that one of my pal asked me to play it online.
Game is quite good then other Free MMO's , although a little bit lesser in terms of Sounds & Graphics.
Overall Feel of the game is alright. HUD needs to be re designed. Controls are very much responsive.
I have heard that people use to wait for 10 t0 15 minutes in queue to log on to server, but in my experience , it just a matter of seconds.
Fans of Diablo should play it , and it is better if you guyz & gals play it in group.
DR has some very funny names for the Armour and Weapons of the games.
Overall its a nice try from NC.