With Dungeon Lords Bradley has turned away from what he does best and what he is known for.

User Rating: 4.1 | Dungeon Lords PC
With Dungeon Lords Bradley has turned away from what he does best and what he is known for, old school RPG's with obscure puzzles and turn based combat ( Wizardry Series ) in favour of pretty visuals and fast paced real time combat aimed directly at the 10 year old console junkies, which pretty much is like Elvis joining a string quartet and having his mouth sown shut. Dungeon lords is disappointing from the ground up and gets no better as you progress through the game, in fact it soon becomes a chore just to load the thing up.

If you like console games and have hands shaped through many hours into the perfect receptacles for an X-box controller then you may just enjoy this game, if however you are a fan of RPG's or other DW. Bradley games then give it a miss and spend your money elsewhere.