You just have to give it a chance.

User Rating: 7.7 | Dungeon Lords PC
When first starting to play this game, It felt like the game was; in fact made solely by D.W. Bradley. But as you progress and get past the first couple of quests it begins to come together and make a good game.

The 3d model animations tend to leave a lot to the imagination, and the fighting style is rather clumsy. But, once you get past these minor obstacles Dungeon Lords can offer you a great role playing environment. An immerse leveling up system, and plenty of quests for you to do. As well as a pretty interesting main storyline.

I wouldn't suggest this game unless you find it in the bargain bin, as It does have a lot of bugs and issues. But if you find it for cheap and need a nice game to pass the time, i'd suggest you pick it up.