Dude! Where's my Quest?

User Rating: 4 | Dungeon Lords PC
The first thing I noticed is there is no journal in this game to track quests. The Mooongate system requires you to go into a pretty hairy area that I haven't even gotten near, yet, because of all the dragons flying around. This means a lot of endless running back and forth between the two first towns until you realize you should just get a spiral notebook and jot the quests and directions down. Mind you, the main review is right, the directions given are usually pretty obtuse meaning you'll get lost or frustrated by the limited wildeness environments that have forced edges to guide you around but usually just wind up getting in the way when some NPC says 'You'll find this West of Arindell and they don
t mention to get west you have to go far north first. Oh yeah and there's another dragon waiting to nail you or a horde of twenty fire goblins and you're just level 5. Fortunately the AI on the Dragons and larger creatures suck. If you position yourself in a gateway formed by two trees and get the creature just on the other side, it'll stay there while you sidestep the fireballs and spend about 15-20 minutes killing it with throwing daggers. The reward for your grind is like 163k XP. This sort of grind makes this -not- for the casual gamer. I spent eight bucks for it at Wal Mart and after completing my Marauder quest and not being able to turn it in? It makes me wonder if it wasn't overpriced. But I'll keep slamming through it until I can grab some of the better titles soon coming out. Think of this like a beefed up Diablo2 that has a little bit of plot but doesn't quite work right and you can decide if you really want to shell out more than a fiver for this thing. I feel sorry for those folks who paid $40 on its release. After about a month I'lll do the same thing to it that I do to the free AOL disks occassionally mailed two me. I'll stick them in themicrowave for two seconds to etchs the surface and see the purple lightening (Any more than two seconds and you risk the disk exploding) and then turning them into coasters for the table. Eight bucks isn't too much to pay for some pretty cool etched techno coasters is it?