Never spent so much time staring at my characters backside... and not for a good reason.

User Rating: 4.5 | Dungeon Lords PC
Wow... this game is literally 75% running. Run to Fargove. Run to Ulm. Run to Arindale. Then run back to Fargrove. Repeat. It gets very tedious, very quickly.

Running is common in RPGs, but this is tough to bear. At least in the Elderscrolls games you have things to look at or do along the way. But Dungeon Lords... it's just running.

I can see where this may have been an interesting game in card/dice form or whatever (although I have never played that type of game) -- but it clearly did not translate well to the PC.

Good idea... bad realization/development.

UPDATE: I just got deeper into the "Shadow Realm" on this game, and my new advice is to not buy this thing. For some reason, this FPS has suddenly decided to add in ridiculously difficult jumping puzzles and such -- things that can take 50 or 60 attempts to complete. Being that there is not QUICK SAVE or QUICK LOAD abilities, this becomes INSANELY tedious.

Do yourself a favor, and buy a more mature product -- something that isn't as buggy and randomly tedious.