Very Unique game to play, challenging to the end.

User Rating: 8.4 | Dungeon Keeper PC
Who hasn’t played Dungeon & Dragons. In elementary school I was a fan. The endless books, the maps, the lead figurines and of course the dice brought endless hours of imagination and fun. Even at the small age, everyone wanted to be the one, the one who controlled it all, the one who got to be name Dungeon Master (the DM). Well this game everyone who plays is the DM. This game brings such an interesting concept to gaming, as the player you’re the one who designs, builds and operates the Dungeon. The computer NPCs fight their way to the end. The game challenges you to put together an adequate defense with monsters that have to co-exist with each other and not let those pesky adventurers pass. Visually appealing, sometimes the game slowed down for me when there was too many monsters and fighting going on especially in multi player on line play. The sounds are excellent that not overdone. This game is one of a kind, adventure meet simcity and it’s done very well.