To find out why im wasting my time reviewing this such old game, read my review.

User Rating: 9.3 | Dungeon Keeper PC
This rather old dos/win 95 game is still getting played but why?

This game is incredible, while it is not your standered stragety game is offers some solid gameplay and interactivity, from using ur useless combat imps to dig gold and reinforce your dungeon to the all-mighty horned reaper created by your sacrifice of creatures.

There is so much stuff to do in here it is unbeliveable, from imprissining the enemy or your own creatures and turning them into skeletings, putting an enemy in a torture chamber to reveal information, steal gold and turn them into ghosts, spells such as lighting, turn a creature into a chickin, create an avalanche, make a cave-in or even make traps like the rolling boulders and lava traps. If your creatures just get unhappy put them in the temple and make them happy. Or send some hell hound fire breathing dogs into the scavanger room and attract more enemies into your dungeon while stealing some others.

If you ever want to be part of a monster then your wish has come true, get a first person perspective of your monstor and posses it. Even take control of enemy creatures by torturing it but make sure you can do all this while keeping some of your own creaturs form fighting with each other either becuase they are angry of becuase they are natural enemies such as spider and fly, Warlock and vampire or what seems to be made up are Bile Demon and skeleton which doesent make much sense.

Here's will try to stop you. This were stragety comes in, choose which enemies to attack and waht to train. Training cost gold and some creaturs are more vulnarable than others, altough you just have to drop them on the enemies heads it is something to think about. Nevertheless if you can find Dungeon Keeper still in the shelves and your looking for a bargain, then you have come to the right place.

Writer's Comments:

For thoose who complain about the graphics and reviewed this game in the 21st centuary, then remember is was made in the past centuary in 1996 (released in 1997) and also consider that it was desinged for windows 95 computers but also to be user freindly with dos.