One of the most criminally underrated games I've ever played... Hail to the King, Baby!

User Rating: 8 | Duke Nukem Forever X360
When Duke Nukem Forever finally released after fifteen years of development hell in mid-2011, the gaming community wasn't all that impressed with the king's long awaited return. Though the game (as expected) sold pretty well, the critical reception was certainly less than positive. And, in complete honesty, I'm not really sure why this game has received such a mediocre reputation. While I do certainly recognize that Duke Nukem Forever is not a flawless masterpiece by any stretch, it's a very fun playthrough and a refreshing change of pace from most other first person shooters on the market.

Duke Nukem Forever definitely has a more old-school vibe than the Call of Duty or Halo series. Duke is just as much of an immature and misogynistic dick as ever, constantly spewing obnoxious one-liners that sound straight out of the high school locker room. It's Duke's personality that gives this game a unique identity - it doesn't take itself too seriously, and folks who are expecting a sleek and modern shooter are, quite frankly, missing the point. Duke Nukem was always different from the other, 'more serious' shooters on the market, and that still applies with Duke Nukem Forever. To prove this point, I'll list a few of the things you can do in Duke Nukem Forever...

-The game begins with you peeing in a urinal.
-You can pick up wet fecal matter and throw it at walls.
-You have to find various sex objects scattered throughout a strip club in one level.
-The game allows you to punch the each of the bosses' "family jewels" after defeating them.
-Steroids makes Duke stronger.
-Beer makes Duke take more damage from enemies without dying.
-Looking at porn boosts your 'ego'.

...need I say any more?

So, while the game lacks the polish that characterizes many shooters these days, Duke's hilarious personality and undeniable charm makes the game well-worth playing for any fan of the series. Duke Nukem Forever is not flawless - the level design is a bit too linear for my tastes, the platforming sections can get a bit tedious, the loading screens are unacceptable for a game in 2011, and the graphics and frame rate are not up to par with today's standards - but these are all excusable since the game is just so much damn fun. Though I would've liked to see more of a sense of exploration in Duke Nukem Forever (that's a big part of what made Duke 3D so great!), this is still a very playable and recommended game for any old school FPS fan.

This is not a bad game by any stretch (in my opinion, at least), and since a used copy will cost you less than $10 nowadays, there's no reason not to check out Duke Nukem Forever. HAIL TO THE KING, BABY!