Feminists hate this game. The Dukes as big of a dick as ever and the strippers are hotter than ever.

User Rating: 9 | Duke Nukem Forever X360
Its good old school FPS fun. No aiming down the sights of your gun to line up a shot, no story that takes itself way to seriously.
How you aim in Duke Nukem is old school FPS style. You put the cross hairs on whatever you want to make go away and pull the trigger, that's it. It remembers that its just a game and doesn't try to be a real life simulator.
Also if you like crude humor and lets be honest most people do whether their willing to admit it or not, then you'll like this game. This games a breath of fresh air. It remembers its just a game and doesn't try to be anything more than that. It doesn't do anything revolutionary but it doesn't screw anything up either. The humor in it is what sets it apart. If you like crude middle school humor and your not afraid to walk up to a 20 foot tail alien and sock him in the nuts then you love this game. If not then go back to shoving that **** back up your ass.