Frankly one of the most important games of our time.

User Rating: 9.1 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
Why is it one of the most important games? Duke let us know that it wasn't all run and gun. It was run and gun and then talk a lot of trash. Duke was the first to make us care about the character we were playing. Duke was like the Conan of our time. Big as life with an even bigger gun to back up all the smack talk he dished out. On top of Duke's lovable personality the game creators pushed the envelope on the true 3D experience. It was one of the first games that you really truly felt like you were inside the game. Duke toted jet packs that let you fly around the maps. You could set traps with trip mines and pipe bombs. All while Duke let your enemies know who the true badass was. The graphics still look pretty good even into today’s games like Doom 3 and Far Cry. That is saying a lot for a game that came out in 1994. Even though cartoonish Duke still looks pretty darn good for a 10 year old game. Now it is 2004 and we have not seen the last of Duke. We wait (I mean wait for what seem like a life time) for Duke Nukem to make a big come back. To have the Duke lay some more of those one liners we love so much on us. All while wading knee deep in alien slime and toting the biggest darn gun a man can carry. If by some strange chance you have never played Duke Nukem 3D, (and I can't see how that could be unless you are a two year old). Do yourself a huge favor, get it along with some bubble gum and let Duke take you on the ride of your life. What are you waiting for, Christmas?