A space marine in LA? Oh wait its Duke Nukem.

User Rating: 7.5 | Duke Nukem 3D X360
OK so i do realize Duke Nukem was made in the age of doom clones that all tried to replicate it with either hit or miss results. I was about ten when this came out and was probably still playing my genesis so i missed out. Twelve years later I'm catching up on some unfinished business. Here's what to expect from this perfect port of the original, complete with bonus episode.

- If you were old enough to experience 90's pop culture, the jokes still make you laugh, even if its only a little
- Classic Doom style gameplay is still addictive as ever
- Innovative in its time, being one of the first shooters where you would actually aim up or down
- Nostalgia
-Unique guns offer deadly and at times hilarious results
- Insane boss fights

- Borrows heavily from doom, you can see every enemy counter part
(lizard troops = zombie troops, shrinking aliens = hell knights)
- Online community is dead but what do you expect
- No replay value
- Extremely easy, even with difficulty ramped to highest level

Maybe if i had played it when it was still new, i would have greater appreciation for the game, but as it is I'll still take doom over this game any day.