Worse Duke Nukem game ever

User Rating: 1 | Duke Nukem 3D GEN
When I heard of a Duke Nukem 3D on the Sega Genesis, I was interested in it, but I was also worried since it's on a 16-bit system and it came out in 1998, right at the death of the Genesis and the Saturn took its place. This an actual game licensed by SEGA, it's no pirated game, but it was released only in South America. I downloaded a ROM to see how it was, and now I regret every bit of it, this is the worse game based on Duke Nukem ever.

STORY: The first thing you notice is that there is no episode selection on the title, there is only episode 2, the space levels, but it's basically the same, go kill aliens.

GRAPHICS: They look really bad and grainy, you can tell what an alien is, but they look deformed, and there is so much gray in the levels, you'll think, you are colorblind.

MUSIC/SOUND: I am surprised that the game had music, but it sounds really midi sized music and the sounds for the guns sound find, but every alien that dies sounds the same and they got Duke's voice in there, but it sounds really bad.

CONTROLS: They are not to bad, Duke turns too fast though and you do need a 6-button controller to beat this game.

GAMEPLAY: This game is really hard, even on Piece of Cake it's hard. You can easily run out of ammo because all the aliens take too many shots to kill, and none the aliens drop ammo like in the other Duke Nukem games making saving ammo a priority in the game. Speaking of weapons they don't have the shrinker, expander, or freezer in this game, making taking aliens down a lot harder since they kill aliens instantly. Also none of the enemies make an alert sound making it more difficult to find the aliens and kill them, sometimes you may find the alien shooting you but it would be too late and kills you. The game actually becomes more of a stealth game rather than a Duke Nukem game, you have to sneak around corners all the time for aliens. It seems that Duke also takes only a few hits before dying and there are very few health power ups such as portable medical kits, atomic health, or armor, making this game virtually impossible to beat. Also never hit load game because the game gets all scrambled.

CONCLUSION: I don't need to say this game sucks because it already does when it said that this game was on the Genesis. With a game like Duke Nukem 3D on the Genesis, it was doomed to fail when it began since by the time this came out, the Genesis was dead. if you ever run into a copy of this game (which is unlikely since it is very rare) never play it unless you want very frustrating gameplay and never download a ROM of it, play any other Duke Nukem game than this, no wonder it was only released in South America.