I've come to kick ass and chew Bubblegum and I'm all out of Gum

User Rating: 8 | Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour NS

Duke Nukem is a really kick ass game. This version is kinda dumb because there are no texture filtering and a time rewinder. That makes no sense.

Anyway Duke Nukem is about a totally bad dude that crash landed into earth because some Alien bastards have busted up his ride. Now Duke will kick some Alien ass and save the babes from Earth.

The gameplay of Duke Nukem feels like the evolution of the 2.5D First person Shooter Genre. There are several weapons and levels to explore. Several types of Aliens all from the same planet. First Duke Nukem starts out great! Really really great! Gunning down alien bastards in cozy comfy gritty Los Angeles makes you feel so at home. Seeing porn theatres is a delight. Everything is familiar. A little too familiar. But as you progress the pacing gets worse. Hard to fuel your story when you are just a one man army. There will be no music and puzzles will just confuse. 2 words: Water levels. But I think you'll like Duke Nukem as it has highs and lows. Rewinding the game in theory would make the game easier but it doesn't always make the game easier. There are fun power ups like steroids or beer to make Duke kick ass even more.

Sex work is real work
Sex work is real work

The graphics are something to be hold. I don't know if they hold up today but there are tons of special effects. Even if the characters are just flat sprites they have lots of charm and realism. Let's just say explosions and environmental destruction that are a bit far ahead of Doom. Like I said. The world feels lived in. Ambient occlusion is here for some reason.

Duke Nukem has the best theme song in video game history and his quips never fail.

Overall Duke Nukem forever is a pretty bodacious game.