Addicting Little Game, Very Fun.

User Rating: 8 | Duck Hunt NES
Duck Hunt is a instant classic that came out for the Nintendo Entertainment System back in the old days. It's defentetly a must play for the gaming console. This game offers a few modes you can choose from. From clay to ducks in the air, with a gun, it's funny how they had this much technology back then to make a gun shooting things on a screen. Anyways, this game will just keep you entertained for a while. Just trying to get to the next level and getting up that high score. Believe me, this game will be worth something in a few years. It's a well developed game and a must play for the nes. Also a fun game for the family to play. You can all get together and hunt ducks, how fun is that? Haha, anyways I would reccamend this kid friendly game to any audience for some fun. So go out there and buy that classic system. 8.0/10