As far as Duck Hunt goes, the only flaw in this game is without a doubt the dog.

User Rating: 10 | Duck Hunt NES
There was no direct competition to Super Mario Bros. other than Duck Hunt and Ice Climbers.

Duck Hunt was released with the zapper, a Nintendo toygun. Duck Hunt became famous, along with the stupid dog.

Game-play: 9/10

As far as I'm concerned, the only flaw in Duck Hunt is its game-play. It's very easy to beat all the levels, and the dog gets so dang annoying. You're lucky in VS. Duck hunt you can actually shoot the dog. But, the game-play is still beautiful.

Graphics: 10/10

The graphics are the 900th worst on the nes. That means they're good. The graphics are actually more realistic then SMB's.

Sound: 10/10

The intro music is beautifully put it, and the sounds are rich and pretty.

Camera and Control: 10/10

It shouldn't matter about the controls. You're still playing Duck Hunt.

Value: 10/10

Duck Hunt is an extrodinary masterpiece for all gamers to have.

Average score: 9.7/10

Duck Hunt was a masterpiece when it was released and it still is today. As far as Duck Hunt goes, the only flaw in this game is without a doubt the dog.