If only Big N would do a Wii od DS remake that would let me finally blow that damn dogs brains out of his skull

User Rating: 9.8 | Duck Hunt NES
Truly the definition of a classic old school game. You point the light gun at the screen, shoot at the ducks and either send them spiraling toward the ground to their demise or get laughed at by that damn F@#!ing dog. If you have a NES you owe it to yourself to play this game. The only reasons I di not give this a 10 or: 1.Since it is on the NES the graphics are not quite up to par. 2.You cannot shoot the damn friggin mutt who mocks you when you do not get a duck. 3. Not really the games fault but Nintendo should remake this for DS or Wii, oh and if Nintendo does decide to remake for Wii or DS please plese PLEASE let me finally be able to waste that god foresaken dog!!!