A true keeper, up there with pong.

User Rating: 9 | Duck Hunt NES
Duck Hunt was the first game I bought for my NES, as a matter of fact I bought it with my NES. And it didn't come with the Nintendo Zapper®, so I had to go out and buy one, but it was well-worth every penny. And seeing as how cheap Duck Hunt is nowadays, how could you not lose by buying a copy of it?

The Graphics are something to talk about here. Being the very first game out on the NES, and quite possibly the game that started the entire gaming era, the graphics on this game are quite clear, crisp, and colorful, as are most NES graphics. They matched along very well with the sound, like when the dog would bark and jump into the grass, the graphics would match with the sound. And the framerate is super for the NES, not once has the graphics gotten choppy. The Sound and Music do not really matter, as your brain will be too focused on playing the game to even think about such trivial things as the sound. But for those of you who are capable of doing multiple things at once, the sounds are excellent, just enough for this kind of game. And there is no music, but it is not as bad as it sounds, because Duck Hunt does not need music. Buy the game and you will see what I mean.

The Controls are very odd for the NES; in a good sort of way. The game does not use the standard control pad that most NES games use, but something called the Nintendo Zapper®, which is a gun-like control device attached into the second controller port on the NES system. Having only one button to press, you can't go wrong with it, if you know what I mean. The only time you use the control pad in Duck Hunt is to choose which kind of game you want, and you can even use the Zapper for that, too. All in all, excellent controls for Duck Hunt. The Difficulty is so simple it's funny. Almost every single time, you win the game, and go on to higher levels until you've beaten the entire game in ten minutes. Considering the length of the Zapper's cable, you can't really get too far away from the TV to give yourself more challenge. I like games kind of easy, but not THIS easy!

The Gameplay is kind of boring. Once you play the game for five minutes, you've played the entire game, which is just shooting at smart-aleck ducks or clay pigeons. I kind of expected a little more here, like a few more options to keep you hooked and craving for more of Duck Hunt. Overall, this game should be liked by most all people. Some people, such as yours truly, find it to get a little boring after a little while (like ten minutes), therefore you should take it in little doses at a time. A completely honest, unbiased opinion of Duck Hunt would probably be that it is boring, true, but introduce it to your friends and you've got yourself and the game a whole new audience :)