Grab a light-gun and get ready for some pure fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Duck Hunt NES
It's impossible not to love this game, even if you're just into the early stages. Whenever there's a moment to kill, or any length of time in waiting to do anything for whatever reason, this game holds its own arguably the best "pick-up-and-play" / "put-down-and-walk-away" game ever made.
As fast as you're into the action, you can turn it off when someone thinks of something else to do. What if you're far along and going for a new record you ask? Well, here's a tip from a Duck Hunt pro. ~ahem~ Use a magnifying glass at the end of your Zapper (or your gramma's glasses, that's right Nintendo, the Wii isnt doing anything that new for all ages after all, even my gramma was a master at this one) to refract to light over the entire screen. BLAM, do-do-do-do-do-da-da (sounds the jingle), and dog pops up with your duck. There's no save feature iin the game, so atleast this way you can get right back up to Level 37 in no time.