The Dog stole the show on this game!!!

User Rating: 9.3 | Duck Hunt NES
This game was one of the funniest NES shooter games; who can't forget the ducks trying to fly away from you and falling to the ground, and your partner in crime, "the dog", will pick them, but overall who can't forget how that dog...that dog...and how he laughed at the player every time that missed your target, and believe, I wanted to shoot down that dog every time that he appeared behind the bushes laughing, and I guess most of the player wanted to shoot down that dog too, or pointed their gun at the dog while squeezing repeatedly the trigger waiting for a crazy miracle to happen that the dog would get shot, but in the end it was a healthy way to deal with the frustration that we had bad aim or the "ducks of the west" were too fast and elusive for us...ahhhhh if only the producers of the game putted "the dog" laughing at you on the clay shooting game that came along with Duck Hunt, i guess me and everyone else would spent the same amount of time shooting the clay pigeons as try to shot the dog...4.5/5 The HITMAN has spoken!