Can anyone say Gauntlet for the Commodore64?

User Rating: 9 | Druid C64
I remember playing this game for COUNTLESS hours on end with my trusty Commodore 64. I was pretty good from what I can remember eventually making up to level 80+ something I believe. Anyway, it's just like the original Gauntlet, but you're outside with trees instead of walls and have multiple types of weapons (water, fire, lightning), a couple different type of potions, and possible regeneration on certain levels. You still need to find keys to get thru doors and you still need to find your way to exits. I "THINK" this game has an ending, but I'm not sure ... I got an EMU for it though that has unlimited health, so I might just have to find out while at work haha

FYI ..there is also a Druid II. If you would like to play this on your PC, google: Commodore 64 Emulator and download it. Once you get that, go find the ROM for Druid and Druid 2.

Graphics for its time: Oh yea... they're in there for the year it was created!
Gameplay: This one is a lot of FUN
Value: Since it can be had SUPER cheap now, 100% value!